Tesla scrutinizes the men from the dirigible through his binoculars and declares them to be E.E.G.'s, members of the dubious Edison Electrician's Guild! The assembled faculty and students unleash hell upon the foot soldiers of Tesla's archnemesis: Jean and Solomon rain death upon them from the skies, Tex's even handedness proves why he is one of the shootists of the age, Melida summons the forgotten lore of her gypsy ancestors and transforms into a hawk and flanks a group of EEG's then transforms back and unloades a gun into their backs! Marigold unleashes a Seismo-telometer blast around a group of the unfortunate foot soldiers. All the future-leaguers fight with deadly precision, all save one: Mustafa Kalim.
Mustafa's devotion to Pacifism puts him directly in harms way! Rushing out into the middle of the fray and calling for an end to arms! Luckily the poor aim of the EEG lead to his survival and the intervention of Jean and Solomon and a good deal of trick flying! After flying upside down over the group menacing Mustafa, Jean and Solomon rained down a hail of bullets, then swooped around and crash landed on some more.
Meanwhile, Nikola Tesla kept his eyes on the dirigible. Bernhard's well place shot brought it down less then half a mile away. Once the future-leaguers dealt with the EEG survivors they took the Half-track down to investigate the wreckage. The main cabin seemed intact with large pieces of the balloon's fuselage crumpled around it. Not seeing any immediate danger they pulled up next to it. Just as they did the Captain of the airship appeared atop the wreckage and through a Molotov on the half-track setting it afire!
The Captain ducked away and the future-leaguers piled out of the vehicle and moved cautiously around the wreckage.
Marigold Nelson, Melida Tsvetska, Tex Madsen and Solomon Standish darted around the downed dirigible, hearing someone yell, "Don't be taken ALIVE!". Tex, alone on the far side, was closest to the Captain when he rounded the corner. He took a shot at the man to no effect, being somewhat distracted by a 55 gallon drum rolling away from the wreckage. Tex's diminutive sidekick, Tinymite, the world's smallest horse, went to intercept it. Jean climbed over the top of the wreckage for a better vantage, while Solomon, seeing the Captain and First Mate wired with explosives, tried to shoot the cigar out of the First Mates mouth but to no avail! Bernhard raced around to stand valiantly in front of Marigold and unleashed his genius device upon the First Mate gluing him in place! Finally the Captain, seeing he was surrounded and his First mate incapacitated jumped on top of him and detonated himself, no doubt hoping he would take some of the future-leaguers with him. Even though they stood just mere feet away from the blast they remained unharmed. Bernhard believing his glue for insulating them from the blast.
Tinymite whinnied in the distance. The barrel had come to a rest and a scared oil covered chimp emerged. Why was he on board? What did he have to do with Edison and his plans? No one knew, but Tex took pity on the animal and helped to clean it up and make it feel safe.
More soon!
Mustafa's devotion to Pacifism puts him directly in harms way! Rushing out into the middle of the fray and calling for an end to arms! Luckily the poor aim of the EEG lead to his survival and the intervention of Jean and Solomon and a good deal of trick flying! After flying upside down over the group menacing Mustafa, Jean and Solomon rained down a hail of bullets, then swooped around and crash landed on some more.
Meanwhile, Nikola Tesla kept his eyes on the dirigible. Bernhard's well place shot brought it down less then half a mile away. Once the future-leaguers dealt with the EEG survivors they took the Half-track down to investigate the wreckage. The main cabin seemed intact with large pieces of the balloon's fuselage crumpled around it. Not seeing any immediate danger they pulled up next to it. Just as they did the Captain of the airship appeared atop the wreckage and through a Molotov on the half-track setting it afire!
The Captain ducked away and the future-leaguers piled out of the vehicle and moved cautiously around the wreckage.
Marigold Nelson, Melida Tsvetska, Tex Madsen and Solomon Standish darted around the downed dirigible, hearing someone yell, "Don't be taken ALIVE!". Tex, alone on the far side, was closest to the Captain when he rounded the corner. He took a shot at the man to no effect, being somewhat distracted by a 55 gallon drum rolling away from the wreckage. Tex's diminutive sidekick, Tinymite, the world's smallest horse, went to intercept it. Jean climbed over the top of the wreckage for a better vantage, while Solomon, seeing the Captain and First Mate wired with explosives, tried to shoot the cigar out of the First Mates mouth but to no avail! Bernhard raced around to stand valiantly in front of Marigold and unleashed his genius device upon the First Mate gluing him in place! Finally the Captain, seeing he was surrounded and his First mate incapacitated jumped on top of him and detonated himself, no doubt hoping he would take some of the future-leaguers with him. Even though they stood just mere feet away from the blast they remained unharmed. Bernhard believing his glue for insulating them from the blast.
Tinymite whinnied in the distance. The barrel had come to a rest and a scared oil covered chimp emerged. Why was he on board? What did he have to do with Edison and his plans? No one knew, but Tex took pity on the animal and helped to clean it up and make it feel safe.
More soon!